2024 Spring Convention (North)
This event is hosted by Omega from City College of San Francisco, with registration assistance from Sigma Rho at Chabot College. The theme for the convention is "We All Belong!" as we aim to promote Inclusion, Acceptance, and Comradery within Alpha Gamma Sigma.

AGS Southern Regional Conference 2023
Transforming the 3 Rs in 2023: Resiliency, Reformation, and Reconnecting
Conference Trailer

AGS 2023 Northern Regional Conference
• Empowerment Through Public Speaking
• Scholarship Essay Writing
• How to Make AGS Work for You: Alumni Panel
• Officer’s Roundtable
• All You Need to Know about the Transfer Process
• How to Thrive in College: A Workshop for Members
of Marginalized Communities in Higher Education
• Self-Care & Guided Meditation
• Group Project: Create an AGS TikTok Video!
2022 Joint Northern & Southern Regional Conference
Host: Orange Coast College
Location: Online
Cost: Free
2021 AGS Regional Conference: Personal Growth During the Pandemic
COVID-19 has profoundly impacted our day-to-day lives academically and mentally. Join us in our exploration of how we can maintain our growth and perseverance through a series of workshops and events packed with entertainment, information, and prizes!
Hosted By: Pasadena City College
Event Link: https://www.agspcc.com/events-one/fall-2021-regional-conference
RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeO-QJOpqSojpKCaCjXzgAfphIDyKWVCFczYNz5TUqXRdmIag/viewform
Metacognition - Dr. Foster
Financial Literacy - Dr. Bethel
Road to Grad. School… - Dr. Castro
Transfer Panel - Featured Speakers
Healthy Relationships
Email agspcc.org@gmail.com for more information.

2021 Spring Convention (Virtual)
Host: Pierce College (Pi Chapter)
Registration: Pierce College (Pi Chapter)
2020 Northern Regional Conference
Host: Diablo Valley College
Registration: Contra Costa College

2020 Sourthern Regional Conference
Host: Saddleback College
Use this link to view the schedule:
For registration, contact Orange Coast College.
2020 Spring Convention (North) Cancelled
Given the health situation the country and California is going through, the AGS Convention for this spring has been canceled. The Board of Trustees and the executive officers of the State Advisory Board have agreed that it is best that we cancel the convention this year. We also recognize that many details about scholarships and eligibility are linked to the Convention. We are currently working on several motions that we will send to you for review and approval.
We have decided to continue with our scholarship program and are working out the details. You should have already received an extension for the submission for scholarship application: The new deadline is March 31, 2020. Ashley McHale will contact readers with instructions on how to proceed.
Host: Las Positas College
Registration: Merced College
Advisors should visit the Advisors page to access the Registration form.
Students can click here to complete the Student Agreement Form in order to attend.
Click HERE to access the survey directly
AGS Southern Regional Conference
Alpha Gamma Sigma Southern Regional Conference 2019
“The Champion Within Us”
Hosted by the IOTA Chapter, Citrus College
Dear AGS advisors and members:
The 2019 Southern Regional Conference will be held at Citrus College on Saturday, October 19, 2019. Check-in and Breakfast will be 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM. The registration fee is $35 per person. We are very excited about this opportunity and hope that you are planning to attend. We have many exciting workshops planned.
This packet includes all the information required to process your chapter’s registration for the conference. Once your registration is received, we will send a confirmation via email to the advisor . The deadline for registration is October 11, 2019. It is imperative that you send your registration forms by email or postal mail (postmarked) no later than this date.
If your Chapter would like to donate gift cards, please bring the items to the registration table at the beginning of the conference. If AGS Chapters would like to participate in a Market Place to sell spirit wear, please indicate on the registration form the number of tables you would like to use.
We will accept two payment methods: a college check or a money order made out to A.G.S. Should you experience difficulty getting your college check on time, email/mail your registration forms by the deadline and alert us by email or phone immediately. Be sure to make arrangements to bring your registration payment to the conference. We will provide receipts to each chapter upon check-in.
There will be no refunds (even for cancellations) after October 11, 2019.
We look forward to having your Chapter join us. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the following people:
For Conference/Registration Questions: Raquel Gutierrez AGS Advisor , IOTA Chapter Citrus College (626) 857-4099 rigutierrez@citruscollege.edu
Please click here for the Student Trustee Form and here for the Registration Form.
2019 Northern Regional Conference
2019 AGS Northern Regional Conference
Hosted and Registration by the Sigma Rho Chapter
Chabot College
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Dear AGS members and advisors:
We are pleased to welcome you to the 2019 Northern Regional Conference that will be held at Chabot College in Hayward on Saturday, October 19. Check-in, Breakfast and Market Place will be from 7:30 am to 8:45 am. Programming is from 8:45 am. The Registration fee is $35 per person. Our chapter is working hard to be sure you have a worthwhile time. Fun times are ahead in Hayward!
In addition to this letter there are three additional registration materials:
- 2019 Conference Registration Form
- 2019 Advisor-Student Agreement Form
Also note that if your chapter would like to host a Market Place table to sell spirit merchandise, please indicate this on the registration form. If your chapter would like to donate gift cards or other items for the door prize raffle, please bring the items to the registration table during check-in.
Registration Logistics:
· The deadline for registration and the Student Trustee nomination form is Friday October 11, 2019.
· Please complete these forms and email or mail them (to lcarlsen@chabotcollege.edu) them with your registration payment. Once received, a confirmation email will be sent to the advisor.
· Registration payments can be made with a college check or a money order made out to “Alpha Gamma Sigma Chabot College.” If you are unable to send payment by the deadline, please make arrangements to bring your registration payment to the conference. Contact Lisa if this becomes relevant to your situation.
· Please note that there will be no refunds after October 11 (even for cancellations).
· Upon receiving your chapter’s registration documents, additional materials such as campus map, meeting places and parking permits, will be emailed to your advisor.
· We will provide a formal receipt of payment to your chapter advisor upon check-in.
Mailing Address
Lisa Carlsen, AGS Advisor
Chabot College
25555 Hesperian Blvd
Hayward, CA 94545
Registration Checklist
Advisor - Student Agreement
College check or money order
Student Trustee Nomination Form (if applicable)
The Sigma Rho chapter is looking forward to seeing you in Hayward on October 19! Advisors, please direct any inquiries to the Sigma Rho Advisor (contact information below).
Advisors, contact Lisa for conference & registration “Q’s”:
The Sigma Rho Chapter
lcarlsen@chabotcollege.edu / (510) 723-7529
PS: Please note that our college is hosting several large, day-long events on October 19. For best parking, please plan to arrive early or bring good walking shoes. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Fall Advisory Meeting (FAM)
Cuesta College, Room 5401
(The college is located on Highway 1, just north of San Luis Obispo and just south of Morro Bay.)
8 am – 9 am: Check in and continental breakfast
9 am – 3 pm: State Advisory Board Meeting
3 pm – 4 pm: Board of Trustees Meeting
Please complete the Registration Form and send it to Chris Gilbert at cglibert@cuesta.edu with “FAM 2019” in the subject line by Wednesday, September 18, 2019.

93rd Annual Spring Convention
Join us for our annual Spring Convention in sunny Ontario, California, hosted by Gamma Sigma chapter! Registration for chapters is due by March 1, 2019. For links to online registration forms and any additional materials please contact the registration chapter, Omicron, by emailing lange_megan@sac.edu.
See you there!
AGS Southern Regional Conference
AGS Southern Regional Conference:
Building Character through Service
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Hosted by Sigma Pi Chapter
Golden West College
15744 Goldenwest Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92869
Cost is $35.00 per person
Registration materials will be sent at a later date with a deadline date of Friday, October 12, 2018.